The obligation to prepare cash registers  for the new electronic route for sending the data has been extended to 1 October 2021.

GERMANY: KassenSichV (TSE) deadline postponement because of COVID-19?

According to the current legal situation, cash registers in Germany must be equipped with a TSE from October 1, 2020. So far, nothing has changed with the Corona crisis. This date is no longer realistic for several reasons as follows:

  • Availability of the TSE and other hardware
  • Under current circumstances, the changeover of the checkout systems in some larger chain stores is not possible to be achieved by October 1, 2020.
  • Corona may also delay certification by the BSI – we are still waiting for certified cloud solution
  • The registration process of cash registers with the tax offices is not defined at this moment
  • Ultimately, there is also a question of whether the tax authorities will focus on auditing during this time.

During the months after the corona virus crisis, the priority should be to maintain and rebuild infrastructure and to save jobs. Liquid funds that remain in the company must be invested in the life-supporting areas and in personnel. It will be shown whether the financial interests of the cash register manufacturers and the need for regulation by the tax authorities can withstand the realities created by COVID-19 in retail, services, hotels, and restaurants.

Need to get and/or to remain compliant? Get in touch

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