After months of uncertainties the Inland Revenue has provided the first instruction for receipt lottery which starting from the 1st of July 2020 aims to fight the tax evasion.
The scontrino lotteria will be optional. In order to claim prices customers won’t be obliged to keep the receipts. Winners extracted will be notified via pec (certified e-mail) and will be able to check the winning tickets on the dedicated website. As a result, paper copy is not required.
The lottery code is a unique code that the end consumer will have to generate on the “lottery portal” that should become public and accessible soon.
During the day and during the closing of daily cash registers, the electronic recorders will generate the record composed of all the receipts together with the customers’ code and then transmit it to the Revenue Agency of Italy.
In order to manage it, printers will have to be upgraded. Additionally it should be noted that the Registratore Telematico can send data to the Lottery Server only in online mode.
Retailers who are connected to the STS (Sistema Tessera Sanitaria), like pharmacies, cannot join to the scontrino lotteria”until July 2020.
Need to get and/or to remain compliant? Get in touch!