The TicketBAI guarantor software is a POS program compliant with extensive legal and technical requirements defined by the authorities of three provinces in Basque Country – Alava, Gipuzkoa and Biscay.
Guarantor software is a computer system or set of programs, instructions and computer rules, guarantors of the traceability and inviolability of the records that document the deliveries of goods and provision of services, prepared by a developer person or entity and registered in the guarantor software registry.
The certainty of compliance is not confirmed by the respective authorities but they nevertheless require that the program producers claim the compliance through a set of documents and reports, to be able to legally offer their solutions on the market.
The procedure of claiming compliance foreseen by dedicated laws and bylaws implies providing of detailed descriptions of the supported functionalities, transaction types, receipt forms, transaction signing procedures, storage system, definition of the software type and other particulars.
The TicketBAI developer person/company can decide whether they would like to have their solution(s) included in the public list of TicketBAI guarantor programs, maintained by the provincial authorities, which list provides more visibility of the solution(s) to the wider public.
Fiscalization concept applied in Basque Country imposes precise obligations on the POS application which is in charge of generating all receipt elements and both providing the receipt to the customer and the transaction details to the authorities.
Although the list of requirements is not short and some of them can be complex for development, the authorities did show an example of how to prepare the legislation which is precise and detailed so there would not be left much space for arbitrary interpretations which is essential for developers – having a comprehensible, clear, enclosed list of functionalities to implement saves at least one of the main resources to invest in the development – time (for research and interpretation).
- Do you know what is the TicketBAI identification code?
- Do you know what is the on-site verification functionality of the TicketBAI software?
- Do you know what are the supported TicketBAI transaction signing certificate types?
In case not and in case of any doubt, our team is here to help for you to get and/or remain compliant.
Need to get and/or to remain compliant? Get in touch!
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