
Slovakia, officially the Slovak Republic is a country in Central Europe, bordered by Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic. The history of fiscalization is pretty long in this country, since requirements for issuing of fiscal receipts in retail have been introduced in 1995.

From the basic concept of fiscal devices usage (fiscal printers as the main type used by middle and big size retailers), in 2018. authorities had the intention to introduce the E-kasa system – a fiscalization concept based on certification of the POS application and real-time communication of transaction data with the authorities with a mandatory hardware component – protected data storage as a mandatory type of fiscal memory.

The rules are mandatory to be applied from July 1st 2019, but no penalties were imposed if they were not met until the end of 2019.

Although, by the new law, there are no hardware requirements for the cash register itself, in practice, two types of solutions were developed – a hardware solution including fiscal printer with a software and the protected data storage altogether certified by the authorities and a software solution certified only with the protected data storage hardware component.

Every store and POS are reported before start of sale while real-time communication with the tax authorities refers to every particular transaction, no matter the type of the solution opted for.

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