
Portugal, officially the Portuguese Republic, is a country in southwestern Europe.  The capital and the largest city of Portugal is Lisbon which is one of the major economic centers on the continent. Fiscalization in this country was introduced in 2008, while the latest change occurred in February 2019.

In general, the new billing rules are coming into force in 2020 and 2021. There are no mandatory hardware devices that have to be used (e.g. certified fiscal printers), but the internet connection is mandatory in order to send data to tax authorities.

The main requirement in Portugal, besides sending data online, is to use certified POS solution that ensures that all transactions are recorded and stored in the way that the manipulations are not possible.

General Directorate for Taxation (DGCI) is in charge of certification process which is not that complex in comparison to some other countries.

Regarding the e-invoicing, this obligation will enter into force on the 1st of January 2021 for non-established companies, while it’s been mandatory for established companies since the 1st of January 2020.

Need to get and/or to remain compliant?